Peacock goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) merupakan salah satu ikan hias yang mendiami perairan gambut di wilayah Papua hingga bagian Timur Papua New Guinea. Data dan informasi mengenai aspek biologi ikan peacock goby untuk mendukung kegiatan budidaya masih terbatas. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek pemijahan, perkembangan embrio dan larva ikan peacock goby. Induk ikan yang digunakan yaitu sembilan ekor induk jantan (bobot tubuh 0,69 ± 0,08 g) dan enam ekor induk betina (bobot tubuh 0,65 ± 0,03 g) dipelihara dalam wadah plastik berukuran 20 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm. Perbandingan induk jantan dan betina yaitu 1:1 (perlakuan A) dan 2:1 (perlakuan B), dengan ulangan sebanyak tiga kali. Wadah pemijahan dilengkapi dengan potongan pipa PVC berbentuk setengah lingkaran sebagai tempat menempelnya telur. Telur diinkubasi pada wadah penetasan berbeda, yaitu water bath (30°C-31°C) dan non-water bath (26°C-30°C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan rasio jantan dan betina tidak memengaruhi banyaknya jumlah pasangan induk yang memijah. Jumlah rata-rata telur pada perlakuan A (133,5 ± 41,72 butir) lebih banyak dibanding perlakuan B (108 ± 24,04 butir). Inkubasi telur menggunakan water bath menghasilkan jumlah telur yang menetas 215% lebih tinggi dibandingkan inkubasi non-water bath. Embrio ikan peacock goby mulai menetas pada hari kelima dan berakhir pada hari ketujuh setelah pemijahan, dan mencapai fase benih pada umur 33 hari setelah menetas. Survival activity index larva ikan peacock goby diperoleh nilai sebesar 10,6-35,45.
Peacock goby (Tateurndina ocellicauda) is one of the ornamental fish inhabited peat waters stretched from the Papua region to the eastern part of Papua New Guinea. Despite its increasing exploitation and population pressure, there are currently limited studies and information regarding the biological aspects of the peacock goby fish. The research objective was to determine the spawning, embryogenesis, and larval ontogeny characteristics of the peacock goby in cultured setting. Nine of mature male broodstock (body weight 0.69 ± 0.08 g) and six of mature female broodstock (body weight 0.65 ± 0.03 g) resulted from gonad selection were reared in a plastic container measuring 20 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm in size. The ratios of male and female fish were 1:1 (treatment A) and 2:1 (treatment B), with three replications. The spawning container was equipped with a semicircular piece of PVC pipe for eggs shelter. The fertilized eggs were incubated in two hatching containers fitted with a water bath (30°C-31°C) and without a water bath (26°C-30°C). The results showed that the difference in the ratio of males and females did not affect the number of broodstock pairs to spawn. The average number of eggs in treatment A (133.5 ± 41.72 eggs) was higher than treatment B (108 ± 24.04 eggs). Egg incubation using water bath resulted in a higher number of hatched eggs by 215% than that of without a water bath. Peacock goby fish embryos began to hatch on the fifth day and ended on the seventh day. The larvae reached the juvenile phase at 33 days after hatching. Survival activity index (SAI) of peacock goby fish larvae were between 10.6-35.45.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jra.15.4.2020.205-214
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