Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Perilaku Nelayan di Kelurahan Bagan Barat Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

Tri Oktaviani Ginting, Firman Nugroho, Rindi Metalisa


Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa perubahan perilaku pada nelayan di kawasan Bangliau dalam melaksanakan usaha perikanan dan melakukan interaksi sosial, Tujuan penelitian yaitu; (1)  menganalisis dampak pandemi Covid-19 pada perilaku nelayan di kawasan Bangliau Hasan; (2) menganalisis strategi adaptasi nelayan dalam menghadapi pandemi covid-19. Data penelitian berupa data primer diperoleh melalui in-dept interview, dan data sekunder diperoleh dari studi literatur. Pemilihan Informan di lakukan secara purposive. Keakuratan data menggunakan software Atlas ti dalam membantu analisis data yang menggunakan metode desktiptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perubahan perilaku pada nelayan disebabkan implementasi aturan dari pemilik Bangliau Hasan akibat Covid-19. Pemerintah membuat peraturan pembatasan sosial, sehingga berdampak pada perubahan kondisi sosial ekonomi nelayan. Ketergantungan nelayan pada Pemilik Bangliau Hasan mengakibatkan nelayan tidak memiliki alternatif lain dalam melakukan penjualan ikan ketika mengalami kondisi seperti pada saat Covid-19. Dampak pandemi Covid 19 yang dialami oleh nelayan adalah penurunan permintaan ikan, terhentinya ekspor ikan, penurunan harga ikan, perubahan frekuensi melaut, dan terhambatnya distribusi ikan keluar daerah. Strategi untuk bertahan hidup dilakukan oleh nelayan dengan melibatkan anggota keluarga dalam mencari pekerjaan, melakukan diversifikasi pekerjaan, memanfaatkan hubungan sosial, dan memanfaatkan bantuan pemerintah. 

Title: The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Fishers’ Behavior in the Bagan Barat Urban Village, Rokan Hilir District

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed fishers’ behaviour in the Bangliau area in carrying out fishing businesses and conducting social interactions. The research objectives were; (1) analyzing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fishermen in the Bangliau Hasan area; (2) analyzing fishermen’s adaptation strategies in dealing with the co-19 pandemic. Research data is primary data obtained through in-depth interviews and secondary data from literature studies. The selection of informants was carried out purposively—the accuracy of the data using Atlas ti software in assisting data analysis using qualitative descriptive methods. The study results show that changes in fishermen’s behaviour are due to the implementation of the rules from the owner of Bangliau Hasan due to Covid-19. The government makes social restriction regulations so that it impacts changes in fishermen’s socio-economic conditions. The dependence of fishermen on the Owner of Bangliau Hasan has resulted in fishermen having no other alternative to selling fish when experiencing conditions such as during Covid-19. The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic experienced by fishermen is a decrease in demand for fish, a halt in fish exports, a decrease in fish prices, changes in the frequency of going to sea, and delays in the distribution of fish outside the region. Fishermen carry out strategies for survival by involving family members in finding work, diversifying jobs, utilizing social relations, and utilizing government assistance.


Bangliau; Dampak Covid-19; Juragan; Nelayan; Strategi adaptasi

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jsekp.v18i2.12229

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Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
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Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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