Abd. Rahim, Diah Retno Dwi Hastuti


Nelayan tradisional telah dicirikan sebagai kelompok masyarakat miskin dengan tingkat
ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap sumberdaya perikanan. Penelitian yang dilakukan di wilayah
pesisir pantai Barat Kabupaten Barru bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya perbedaan pendapatan
nelayan tangkap tradisional dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian dilakukan
dengan metode deskriptif dan metode penjelasan dengan analisis regresi berganda pada data crosssection
pada Tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan nelayan tangkap
tradisional perahu motor tertinggi terdapat di Kecamatan Balusu sebesar Rp.580.242/ trip dan terendah
Kecamatan Tanete Rilau sebesar Rp.418.728/ trip. Nelayan perahu tanpa motor pendapatan usaha
tangkapnya tertinggi pada Kecamatan Tanete Rilau sebesar Rp.250.562/trip dan terendah Kecamatan
Soppeng Riaja Rp.176.106/trip. Lain halnya perubahan pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu
motor dipengaruhi secara positif oleh harga minyak tanah, lama melaut, umur nelayan, serta secara
negatif oleh harga bensin, pengalaman melaut, dan perbedaan wilayah Kecamatan Barru, artinya setiap
perubahan kenaikan harga minyak tanah, lama melaut, umur nelayan serta penurunan harga bensin,
pengalaman melaut, dan perbedaan wilayah Kecamatan Barru, maka akan menaikkan/ menurunkan
pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu motor. Pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu tanpa
motor dipengaruhi secara positif oleh pengalaman melaut dan perbedaan wilayah Kecamatan Tanete
Rilau serta secara negatif oleh lama melaut dan umur nelayan, artinya setiap perubahan bertambahnya
pengalaman melaut dan perbedaan wilayah Kecamatan Tanete Rilau serta berkurangnya lama melaut
dan umur nelayan maka akan menaikkan/ menurunkan pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu
motor. Implikasinya, dalam meningkatkan pendapatan dari usaha tangkapnya nelayan tradisional
diperlukan adanya dukungan armada laut dan alat tangkap sehingga dari jumlah nelayan yang ada
dapat meningkatkan jumlah trip penangkapan.

Title: Determinants of Traditional Fishing Income in West Coast of Barru Regency

The traditional fishers have been characterized as a poor community with a high level of dependency on fisheries resources. This research was conducted in the coastal areas of West Barru
with aims to determined the magnitude of differences in traditional fishers income and to analyze the
influence factors. The study was conducted with descriptive methods and multiple regression analysis
on cross-section data in 2013. The results showed that the average income of traditional fishers with
outboard motor was highest in the District Balusu Rp580.242/trip and the lowest in the District Tanete
Rilau Rp418.728/trip. The highest fishers income with non powered was in Tanete Rilau District
Rp250.562/trip and the lowest was in Riaja Soppeng District of Rp176.106/trip. Another case changes in
income capture fisheries motorboat positively influenced by fuel price, fishing duration, fishers age, and
negatively influenced by gasoline price, fishing experience, and the difference in region District Barru,
meaning that any changes to the increase in the fuel price, fishing duration, fishers ages and decline
in gasoline prices, fishing experience, and the difference in Barru District, it will increase/decrease the
motorboat fishers revenues. Revenues of fishers without motors positively influenced by the experience of fishing and difference in region DistrictTaneteRilau and negatively influenced by fishing experience and fishers ages, meaning that any changes in accumulation of experiences and differences in the District ofTaneteRilau and reduced fishing duration and fishers ages will increase/decrease in operating revenues of fishers fishing motorboat. The implication, increasing the income of their fishing effort required traditional fishing fleets and fishing gear support so that from the number of fishers can increase the number of fishing trips.


determinan; pendapatan; nelayan tradisional; wilayah pesisir; perikanan tangkap

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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