Maria MD Widiastuti, Novel Novri Ruata, Taslim Arifin


Ekosistem mangrove mengalami tekanan dan penurunan jasa lingkungan diduga karena abrasi dan fenomena alam serta aktivitas masyarakat seperti penggalian pasir di pesisir pantai. Pemerintah telah melakukan upaya konservasi hutan mangrove dengan cara penanaman kembali, namun belum berhasil. Salah satu permasalahan adalah belum atau tidak adanya informasi nilai ekonomi mangrove sebagai dasar penentuan program konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai ekonomi ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Laut Arafura meliputi 3 distrik yaitu Malind, Merauke dan Naukenjerai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu TEV (Total Economic Value) yang terdiri dari analisis nilai guna langsung menggunakan harga pasar. Nilai guna tidak langsung dan nilai pilihan menggunakan benefit transfer. Nilai non guna yang terdiri dari nilai keberadaan dan nilai pewarisan menggunakan WTP (willingness to pay). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove di kawasan pesisir pantai Laut Arafura per tahun sebesar Rp. 213.344.656.759,00 (213 Milyar Rupiah) atau setara dengan Rp. 21.075.240,00/ha/tahun atau setara dengan Rp. 8,6 juta rupiah per kepala keluarga. 

Title: Economic Valuation In The Coastal Mangrove Ecosystem District Merauke

Ecosystem mangrove in Araufra Coastal had underpressure and decreasing environmental services because of abration as natural phenomena, and unsuistainable community activities such as digging sand on the coast. The Government has made the conservation of mangrove forests by replanting, but has not succeeded. One of the problems is not yet or absence of information about the economic value of mangroves as the basis for determining the conservation program. This study aims to determine the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in the Arafura Sea coast in three districts: Malind, Merauke and Naukenjerai. The methodology using TEV (Total Economic Value) consisting of direct use value analysis using market prices. Indirect use values and the options value using the benefits transfer. Non-use value consist the existence and bequest value using WTP (willingness to pay). The result showed that the economic value of mangrove forests in the coastal regions of the Arafura Sea is Rp. 213.344.656.759,00 (213 billion rupiah per year) or equivalent with Rp. 21.075.240,00/ha/year, or equivalent with Rp. 8,6 million per household.


valuasi ekonomi; ekosistem mangrove; pesisir pantai Arafura

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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