Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus – Desember 2010, bertujuan untuk: (i) menentukan indeks keberlanjutan program minapolitan di lokasi sebagaimana tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri No. KEP 32/MEN/2010, (ii) mengidentifikasi atribut pengungkit, dan (iii) menyusun arahan kebijakan. Indeks keberlanjutan diukur untuk enam (6) dimensi keberlanjutan minapolitan, yang jenisnya ditetapkan berdasarkan pendalaman literatur: ekologi, ekonomi, politik, sosial-budaya, hukumkelembagaan, dan teknologi-infrastruktur. Data primer dari hasil mail survey ke 197 kabupaten/ kota dianalisis dengan teknik ordinasi Multidimensional Scalling (MDS) menggunakan perangkat RAP-Minapolitan, yang dimodifikasi dari perangkat RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries). Analisis ini digunakan untuk menduga prospek keberlanjutan berdasarkan pengukuran variabel-variabel kini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa indeks keberlanjutan program minapolitan untuk keenam dimensi adalah sebagai berikut : ekologi kurang berkelanjutan; ekonomi kurang berkelanjutan; politik sangat berkelanjutan; sosial-budaya cukup berkelanjutan; hukum-kelembagaan sangat berkelanjutan; teknologi-infrastruktur kurang berkelanjutan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa atribut pengungkit untuk masing-masing dimensi memerlukan prioritas kebijakan untuk meningkatkan peluang keberlanjutan program minapolitan. Atribut-atribut tersebut adalah: Jarak lokasi usaha perikanan dengan pemukiman, kejadian kekeringan, produktivitas usaha (dimensi ekologi); Ketersediaan SDM perikanan (dimensi ekonomi); Sinkronisasi kebijakan pusat – daerah, trend politik lokal dan dominasi kelompok politik tertentu (dimensi politik); Akses masyarakat terhadap perikanan dan peran masyarakat adat (dimensi sosial-budaya); Ketersediaan industri pengolahan limbah (dimensi teknologi-infrastruktur).
Tittle: Ex-ante Analysis of the Minapolitan Program Sustainability
This research was conducted in August – December 2010, and aimed to (i) determine the sustainability index of minapolitan programs in locations referred to in the Ministerial Decree No. KEP 32/MEN/2010, (ii) identifying leverage factors (attributes), and (iii) formulate the relevant policy direction. The sustainability indexes were measured for six (6) minapolitan sustainability dimensions, based on literature reviews of ecology, economy, politics, social and culture, legal and institution, and technology and infrastructure dimensions. Primary data collected from the mail survey to 197 districts/municipalities listed in the decree were analysed following the multidimensional scalling (MDS) approach using the RAP-Minapolitan software, which was a modification of the RAPFISH
(Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries) software. This analysis method can be used to assess sustainability prospects based on the measurement of current conditions of relevant variables. Results of this research show that the sustainability indice of the minapolitan program for the six dimension are: ecology less sustainable; economy less sustainable; politics very sustainable; social and culture fairly sustainable; legal and institution very sustainable; and technology and infrastructure (less sustainable). Results of this research show that leverage factors (attributes) of each dimension need prioritized policy to impove sustainability prospect of the minapolitan program. These are: distance between fisheries business center and residence complexes, business productivity (ecologic dimension); fishery human resources (economy dimension); state – region policy synchronization, trend of local politics and domination of particular political groups (political dimension); people access to fishery and customary community role (social-culture imension); availability of waste treatment facility (technology and infrastructure dimension).
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Published by
Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network
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