Mulyono Partosuwirjo, John Haluan, Mulyono S. Baskoro, Soepanto Soemokaryo


Usaha perikanan tangkap berperan penting dalam kegiatan ekonomi dan kehidupan masyarakat di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, namun dinamika interaksi di antara komponen perikanan belum harmonis karena penanganan permasalahannya belum sesuai dengan intensitas interaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi komponen/aspek yang berinteraksi signifikan sehingga dapat diantisipasi untuk penyusunan model pemberdayaan usaha perikanan tangkap yang lebih tepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui analisis interaksi kompleks menggunakan Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil analisis SEM menerangkan bahwa komponen lingkungan internal, lingkungan eksternal, dan lingkungan industri, strategi usaha, kinerja industri perikanan, dan tujuan pembangunan perikanan berinteraksi signifikan berturut-turut dengan aspek manajemen, sosial, entry barier, keuangan, pay back period. Pada lingkup interaksi lebih tinggi, Lingkungan Internal berinteraksi positif signifikan dominan terhadap Lingkungan Eksternal. Lingkungan Eksternal berpengaruh positif signifikan dominan terhadap
Lingkungan Industri. Sedangkan Strategi Usaha berpengaruh positif signifikan dominan terhadap Tujuan Pembangunan Perikanan. Dalam kaitan ini, maka berbagai permasalahan menyangkut komponen yang berinteraksi signifikan tersebut harus diprioritaskan karena bila tidak akan dapat secara serius mengganggu aktivitas perikanan tangkap yang ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.


Tittle: Assessment of Fisheries Industrial Structure to Develop an Empowerment Model of the Capture Fisheries Business in Yogyakarta.

Capture fishery has an important role in the economic activity and livelihood among the people of Yogyakarta. However, the dynamic interactions among the components of fisheries have yet harmonised because problem solving had yet in accordance to interaction intensity. This research aimed to analyse and identify some components having significant interaction so that they can be used to anticipate in developing appropriate model for empowering capture fishery business. This research was conducted through analysis of complex interaction with Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). Results of the SEM analysis showed that the environments (internal, external, and industrial), business strategies, fishing industry performance, and development goals had a significant interaction respectivelly with management, social
aspect, entry barrier, finance, and pay back period. For higher interaction scope, internal environment has a significant positive dominancy to the external environment. External environment had a significant positive dominancy to the industrial environment. While business strategies had a significant positive effect on the goal of fisheries development. In these respect, various problems related to component that significantly interacted has to be prioritised. This is because it directly leads to disturb the capture fishery activity in Yogyakarta.


Interaksi, SEM;Signifikan;Perikanan Tangkap;Yokyakarta

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jsekp.v3i2.5848

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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