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Analisis bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sitiran karya ilmiah peneliti. Analisis dilakukan pada Jurnal Riset Akuakultur
selama 3 tahun (2009-2011), meliputi jumlah literatur, bahasa, jenis, dan tingkat keusangan literatur yang disitir. Metode
yang digunakan adalah analisis sitiran dengan menganalisa daftar pustaka pada setiap artikel dalam jurnal. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa Jumlah artikel yang disitir selama 3 tahun sebanyak 3117 sitiran atau jika dirata-rakan setiap artikel
menyitir + 23 literatur. Bahasa literatur yang disitir terbanyak adalah Bahasa Inggris dengan perbandingan 71% dan 29%
literatur berbahasa Indonesia. Jenis literatur yang paling banyak disitir adalah majalah yaitu sebesar 46%, buku 42%,
prosiding 4%, skripsi/tesis/disertasi dan literatur sumber internet masing-masing hanya 3%, serta laporan sebanyak 2%.
Tingkat keusanggan atau paro hidup literatur yang disitir oleh Jurnal Riset Akuakultur adalah 12 tahun . Dari perhitungan
diketahui bahwa sebanyak 46,7% literatur yang disitir dianggap sudang usang dan 53,3% literatur dianggap masih baru.


The analysis is done in order to understand the citation pattern of scientific paper that have been made by researcher.
It has been conducted in the Journal of Aquaculture Research for 3 years series (2009–2011). It covered the number of
literature, language, type and level of obsolescence of the cited literature. Citation analysis was used as methodology
by analyzing the bibliography in each article in that journal. The result showed that the number of article which have
been cited during 3 years were 3117 citation or the average for one article cited around 23 literatures. The most cited
literature language was English with a ratio of 71% and 29% of Indonesian literature. The type of literature that mostly
cited was magazine that was 46%, book 42%, , 4% proceedings, while thesis / dissertation and internet source literature
respectively only 3%, and report was only 2%. The level of obsolescence which was cited in the Journal of Aquaculture
Research is 12 years. Based on analysis it is known that 46,7% of cited literature was obsolete and 53.3% of the literature
was considered new.

Kata Kunci

Sitiran bibliografi; Analisis Isi (komunikasi); Literatur Ilmiah; Jurnal Riset Akuakultur; Bibliographical citations; Content analysis (Communication); Scientific literature; Journal of Aquaculture Research

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