Sevi Sawetri, Subagdja Subagdja, Dina Muthmainnah


The Malayan leaf fish or locally named as kepor (Pristolepis grooti) is one of important biotic components in Ranau Lake ecosystems. This study aimed to estimate population dynamic and exploitation rate of kepor in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera. The population parameters are estimated based on length frequency data which were collected in March to October 2013. Growth parameters and fishing mortality rates were calculated using FiSAT software package. The results showed that kepor’s growth was negative allometric, which tended to gain length faster than weight. Kepor population was dominated (42%) by individual length of 10.0 to 11.0 cm. Predicted length infinity (L) was 17.28 cm with high value of growth rates (K) of 1.4 year-1. The natural mortality rate (M) is 2.57 year-1, the fishing mortality rate (F) is 5.36 year-1 and total mortality rate (Z) is 7.93 year-1. The exploitation rate of Malayan leaf fish in Ranau Lake (E = 0.68 year-1) has passed the optimum score.  


Pristolepis grooti; population; growth; exploitation rate; Ranau Lake

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/ifrj.24.2.2018.125-131

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