Alvi Nur Yudistira, Pudji Muljono, Andin Taryoto


Selama pembelajaran daring akibat pandemi Covid-19 di Program Studi Penyuluhan Perikanan Politeknik AUP, tujuh taruna tidak menyelesaikan pendidikan di Semester I. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan hubungan antara kinerja belajar dengan komunikasi interpersonal, tingkat kehadiran, efikasi diri terhadap pembelajaran daring, kemandirian belajar, dan motivasi akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara efikasi diri terhadap pembelajaran daring, kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal, kemandirian belajar, motivasi akademik, dan tingkat kehadiran terhadap kinerja belajar. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode sensus. Dari 311 orang taruna, hanya 200 taruna mengisi instrumen penelitian. Kuesioner yang digunakan adalah Interpersonal Communication Competence Inventory, Online Learning Readiness Scale, Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire, dan Academic Motivation Scale. Data indeks prestasi, indeks prestasi kumulatif, dan tingkat kehadiran diperoleh dari Bagian Administrasi Akademik dan Ketarunaan Politeknik AUP. Data dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan hierarchical component models dengan dua tingkatan variabel. Dimensi setiap variabel sebagai tingkat pertama (first order) dan variabel efikasi diri terhadap pembelajaran daring; kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal; kemandirian belajar; motivasi sebagai tingkat kedua (second order). Model pengukuran telah memenuhi validitas dan reliabilitas. Sedangkan model struktural mempunyai koefisien determinasi yang lemah. Model struktural yang dibuat terpisah untuk semester II, semester IV, dan Semester VI dan VIII memperlihatkan nilai koefisien determinasi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan gabungan keseluruhan taruna. Hasil pengujian hipotesis memperlihatkan, hanya tingkat kehadiran yang berhubungan nyata dengan kinerja belajar pada seluruh model. Kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal juga berhubungan nyata dengan kinerja belajar pada taruna semester II. 

The Covid-19 pandemic caused all education activities to shift to online learning. During online learning, seven cadets from the Fisheries Extension Study Program of The Jakarta Technical University of Fisheries were dropped out in the first semester. Previous research has shown a relationship between learning performance and interpersonal communication, attendance level, self-efficacy towards online learning, self-regulated learning, and academic motivation. This study examines the relationship between self-efficacy toward online education, interpersonal communication skills, self-regulated learning, academic motivation, attendance levels, and learning performance. The research sample was obtained through a census. Of 311 cadets, only 200 cadets who fill the questionnaires. The questionnaires used were Interpersonal Communication Competence Inventory, Online Learning Readiness Scale, Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire, and Academic Motivation Scale. GPA and attendance level were collected from the Academic Administration of JTFU. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with hierarchical component models with two levels of variables. Dimensions of each variable in the first order, then self-efficacy towards online learning; interpersonal communication skills; self-regulated learning; academic motivation in the second order. Evaluation of measurement models meets the validity and reliability criteria, but the structural model has a weak coefficient of determination. The structural model made separately for Semester II, Semester IV, and Semester VI and VIII has a more significant resolution coefficient than the total of cadets. Hypothesis testing showed only attendance levels related to learning performances in all models. Interpersonal communication skills are also significantly associated with the learning performance of the second-semester cadets.


Efikasi diri; kemandirian belajar; motivasi akademik; tingkat kehadiran

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jkpi.14.1.2022.11-23

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