Rizki Aprilian Wijaya, Subhechanis Saptanto


Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) merupakan input produksi penting bagi nelayan. Pada awal tahun
2014, terdapat wacana untuk menghapus subsidi BBM untuk nelayan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk
menganalis persepsi nelayan terhadap kemungkinan kebijakan pencabutan subsidi BBM dan menganalisis
strategi adaptasi nelayan terhadap kemungkinan pencabutan subsidi BBM. Lokasi penelitian berada di
Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Nizam Zachman dan Pelabuhan Pendaratan Perikanan (PPI)
Muara Angke di Provinsi D.K.I. Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam (in-depth Interview) kepada petugas pelabuhan, tokoh
nelayan, pemilik dan nahkoda kapal perikanan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil kajian
menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar nelayan (khususnya nelayan kecil) menolak terhadap kebijakan
pencabutan subsidi BBM. Jenis strategi adaptasi nelayan terhadap kemungkinan diberlakukannya
kebijakan pencabutan subsidi BBM diantaranya adalah tidak melakukan aktivitas melaut dalam jangka
waktu tertentu, beralih pekerjaan ke sektor non perikanan maupun sektor perikanan lainnya dan mencari
solusi pemecahan masalah melalui kelompok.

Title: Fishers Perception and Adaptation Strategy to
Fuel Subsidize Revocation

Fuel is an important production inputs for fishers. At the beginning of 2014, there was a discourse
to remove fuel subsidies for fishers. This paper aims to analyze the perception of fishers to the possibility
of fuel subsidy removal policy and analyzing the adaptation strategies of fishers on the possible lifting
of fuel subsidies. Locations of the study are in the Ocean Fishing Port (PPS) Nizam Zachman and Port
of Fish Landing (PPI) Muara Angke in DKI Jakarta. The study was conducted through a qualitative
approach. Data collected through in-depth interviews to the port officials, leaders of fishers, fishing
vessel owners and captains. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results of the study showed that
most of the fishers (particularly small fishing) refuse to fuel subsidy removal policy. Type of fishing for
possible adaptation strategies enactment of policies withdrawal of fuel subsidies which are not fishing
activity within a certain time period, switch jobs to the fisheries sector and other fisheries sector and seek
solutions through group problem solving.


persepsi nelayan; strategi adaptasi; pencabutan subsidi BBM

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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