Titis Istiqomah, M. Pudjihardjo, Sumarno Sumarno, Bagyo Yanuwiadi


Permasalahan sektor perikanan saling terkait antar sub sektor perikanan tangkap, budidaya, serta olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis potensi keberlanjutan usaha multi sub sektor perikanan skala kecil - menengah oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian deskriptif dilaksanakan April 2015 s/d April 2018. Survey terestris dengan teknik rekam data tertutup dan terarah menggunakan alat bantu kuesioner. Data diberi bobot dan dianalisa menggunakan analisis shift share dan statistik untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antar sub sektor perikanan terhadap potensi keberlanjutannya. Hasil analisis keberlanjutan usaha tangkap (kode 01.T) bernilai terendah 2,3529 gap 6,0 dari nilai tertinggi 8,3529. Nilai regresi usaha penangkapan ikan Y = 0,005 + 0,961 X menunjukkan usaha penangkapan ikan belum mampu memberdayakan sektor lain. Tingkat signifikansi uji T tidak nyata 22,2%. Nilai R Square 0,005 dan Adjusted R Square -0,061 merepresentasikan tingkat kepercayaan usaha penangkapan ikan sangat rendah. Keberlanjutan usaha perikanan budidaya di tambak (simbol 02.Y) bernilai terendah 2,9783. Nilai regresi linier sebesar Y = 0,980 + 3,375 X menunjukkan usaha budidaya memberikan keberdayaan bagi sub sektor lain secara signifikan 97,8%*. Nilai R Square 0,225 dan Adjusted R Square 0,188 merepresentasikan keberlanjutan usaha budidaya kurang menjanjikan. Keberlanjutan olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan (kode 03.U) bernilai terendah 7,2600 dengan shift share gap positif 0,2600. Nilai regresi linier Y = 6,031 + 3,235 X signifikansi 100% menunjukkan usaha olahan dan pemasaran berpengaruh terhadap usaha lainnya, dengan nilai R Square 0,651 dan nilai Adjusted R Square 0,636. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sub sektor olahan dan pemasaran hasil perikanan berpeluang besar untuk ditumbuh-kembangkan.

Title: Analysis of Potential Sustainability of Multi Fisheries Sub Sector Business in the Sidoarjo Regency

The problems of fisheries sector are interrelated between the capture fisheries, cultivation, processing and marketing of fishery products. The research aims to analyze the potential sustainability of small and medium scale multi sub-sector fisheries businesses by people in Sidoarjo Regency. Descriptive research was conducted from April 2015 to April 2018. Terrestrial survey with closed data recording techniques and questionnaires were used in the study. Data were measured and analyzed using shift share matrix and statistics to find out the relation between fisheries sub-sectors to their potential sustainability. Results of the capture business sustainability analysis (code 01.T) have the lowest value of 2.3529 gap 6.0 from the highest value of 8.3529. The regression value of fishing business Y = 0.005 + 0.961 X indicates that fishing businesses have not been able to empower other sectors. The significance level of the T test is not real 22.2%. The R Square value of 0.005 and Adjusted R Square -0.061 represents the relatively low level of trust in fishing businesses. The sustainability of aquaculture business in the pond (symbol 02.Y) has the lowest value of 2.9783. The linear regression value of Y = 0.980 + 3.375 X indicates that cultivation provides empowerment for other sub-sectors significantly of 97.8%*. The value of R Square 0.225 and Adjusted R Square 0.188 representing the sustainability of aquaculture is less promising. Sustainability of processed and marketing of fishery products (code 03.U) has the lowest value of 7.2600 with a positive shift
share gap of 0.2600. The linear regression value Y = 6.031 + 3.235 X 100% significance indicates that the processed business and marketing affect other businesses, with the value of R Square 0.651 and the value of Adjusted R Square 0.636. It is concluded that the processed and marketing of fishery products subsector have a great opportunity to be developed.


potensi keberlanjutan; usaha perikanan; olahan dan pemasaran; produk perikanan; sektor perikanan

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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