dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 5 (lima) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori mandiri, 20 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori maju, 22 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori pemula dan 8 (delapan) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori perintis. Pelaksanaan program minapolitan harus dikonsentrasikan pada pelabuhan perikanan mandiri dan pelabuhan perikanan maju. Strategi pengembangan minapolitan pada pelabuhan perikanan katagori mandiri adalah strategi ST (Strengths-Threats). Strategi ini dilakukan dengan memobilisasi infrastruktur yang ada, diikuti dengan berbagai inovasi kebijakan untuk mengendalikan ancaman agar tujuan program minapolitan dapat terwujud. Pada pelabuhan perikanan maju didorong dengan strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities). Strategi SO dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerjasama dengan Pemda untuk memperbaiki kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan perikanan. Pengembangan program minapolitan kedepan harus dilakukan dengan konsep klasterisasi pelabuhan perikanan, untuk menghindari persaingan tidak sehat antara pelabuhan perikanan.
Title: The Development Strategy of Marine Fisheries in “Minapolitan” Areas.
Minapolitan known as one of the marine and fisheries development program in order to stimulate the economic growth in the fisheries areas. In the marine fisheries, the fishing port were chozen as the main location to the implementation of minapolitan program. The aims are to revitalisation and to optimize the infrastructure in fisheries fishing ports. This research was used the data from 67 fishing port in all part of Indonesia. Indept studies were conducted in 9 (nine) fishing ports. The main findings of the research revealed the readiness of fishing port to implementing the minapolitan program classified into for categories; 5 (five) fishing port classified as self developed, 20 fishing port classified as developped, 22 fishing ports remain developing and 8 (eight) fishing ports classified as under developing. Based on SWOT analysis, recommendation for the implementation of minapolitan program should be focused on the fishing ports which were classified as self developed and developed. The development strategy to carry out the minapolitan program in the fishing port under self developed categories was ST (Strengths-Threats) strategy. Main while, the strategies to implement minapolitan program in the fishing ports under developed category was SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy. This research also recommended that implementation of minapolitan program among fishing ports should be conduct under cluster policy to avoid the unfair competition among fishing ports.
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Published by
Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network
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