Bunga Rante Tampangallo, Ike Trismawanti, Muliani Muliani


Probiotik RICA kemasan cair telah diaplikasikan pada pemeliharaan udang windu P. monodon maupun vaname Litopenaeus vannamei. Namun, probiotik kemasan cair dirasa banyak mengalami kendala dalam hal pengiriman. Alternatif bentuk kemasan yang saat ini sedang dikaji adalah bentuk kemasan serbuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui viabilitas probiotik RICA setelah dikemas dalam bentuk serbuk, waktu penyimpanan, serta pengaruhnya terhadap sintasan dan pertumbuhan benih udang windu yang dipelihara dalam bak terkontrol. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yakni penepungan probiotik, pengamatan populasi probiotik, dan aplikasinya pada pemeliharaan udang windu. Wadah pemeliharaan udang windu menggunakan bak fiber volume 500 liter. Udang uji yang digunakan adalah udang windu PL-12 dengan kepadatan 200 ekor per bak. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap empat perlakuan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan menggunakan probiotik serbuk RICA-4 (A), (B) probiotik RICA-5, (C), probiotik RICA-1, dan (D) tanpa probiotik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi probiotik RICA setelah diserbukkan berkisar 107 sel/mL. Sintasan, bobot, dan panjang udang windu setelah dipelihara selama 48 hari dengan menggunakan probiotik RICA serbuk belum memberikan hasil yang signifikan (P>0,05), namun pemberian probiotik RICA telah meningkatkan total hemolim udang windu secara signifikan (P<0,05) dibanding kontrol. Pada aplikasi probiotik ini terjadi pertumbuhan lumut dalam bak pemeliharaan akibat penggunaan tepung kanji sebagai filler.

RICA probiotics have been tested in multiple farms of black tiger shrimp P. monodon and whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei with some promising results. However, the probiotics’ distribution in the form of liquid faces some limitations due to transportation regulations involving liquid-based substances. A powder form might be an easy and secure alternatively for the distribution of the probiotics via airplane. The purpose of the study was to observe the viability of RICA probiotics after powdering and storage as well as their influences on the survival and growth rates of black tiger shrimp reared in controlled tanks. The study was conducted in three stages which were the powdering of the probiotic, observation of the probiotics’ bacteria population, and its application in shrimp rearing. The research was designed in a completely randomized design where 200 shrimps aged PL-12 reared in each tank and applied with three different powder probiotics namely (A) RICA-4, (B) RICA-5, and (C) RICA-1 as the treatments, and (D) without adding probiotic as a control. The result showed that the probiotic population after powdering ranged around 107 cells/mL. The survival rate, body length, and weight of shrimps after 48 days of rearing showed insignificant results (P>0.05) among the treatment. However, RICA-1 had an increase in the total of hemocytes of the shrimps (P<0.05) compared to control. The emergence of moss in the containers became a constraint during the experiment.


probiotik; udang windu; sintasan; pertumbuhan; hemolim; probiotics; black tiger shrimp; survival; growth; hemocytes

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