Sebagai salah satu sentra produksi udang di Kecamatan Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang memiliki enam unit panti benih skala kecil (PBSK) dan tiga unit panti benih skala besar (PBSB) sebagai penyuplai benur untuk budidaya di tambak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa pengelolaan pembenihan PBSK dan PBSB di Kecamatan Suppa sebagai pijakan untuk meningkatkan kuantitas, kualitas, dan kontinuitas benur yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan informasi pengelolaan panti benih yang dilakukan dan sarana panti benih yang ada pada empat unit PBSK dan dua unit PBSB. Pengukuran dan pengambilan contoh air sumber dilakukan di perairan Suppa di Selat Makassar. Kualitas air sumber dapat mendukung kegiatan produksi benur di panti benih pada musim kemarau, tetapi kualitas air menurun pada musim hujan berupa penurunan suhu dan salinitas air, dan peningkatan kandungan amonia nitrogen total dan nitrat. Bak-bak pemeliharaan larva/pascalarva yang digunakan panti benih di Kecamatan Suppa berbentuk empat persegi panjang dengan dasar bak yang hampir datar dan memiliki volume bervariasi dari 4 sampai dengan 21 m3. Setiap siklus produksi dapat diproduksi benur 1.600.000 sampai 2.250.000 ekor dengan 5-12 siklus/tahun pada PBSK dan 9.500.000 sampai 17.500.000 ekor dengan 5 siklus/tahun pada PBSB. Kunci keberhasilan produksi benur adalah pengelolaan kulitas air tertutama menjaga salinitas, suhu, dan oksigen terlarut sesuai kebutuhan benur. Produksi total benur PBSK dan PBSB di Kabupaten Suppa adalah 209.500.000 ekor/tahun. Pengelolaan kualitas air panti benih di musim hujan di Kecamatan Suppa dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan Cara Pembenihan Ikan yang Baik dan memodifikasi sarana atau penggunaan sarana tambahan.
Suppa Subdistrict is one of the shrimp production centers in Pinrang District. Currently, there are six units of small-scale shrimp hatchery and three units of large-scale shrimp hatchery operated in the subdistrict that supply shrimp fries to local shrimp grow-out brackishwater ponds. This study was conducted to determine the performance of the small and large-scale hatcheries in Suppa Subdistrict in relation to hatchery’s management. The overarching objective of this study was to devise an improved hatchery management to increase the quantity, quality, and production continuity of shrimp fries from the hatcheries. An interview was conducted using a structured questionnaire to elaborate the existing hatchery management practices and facilities of four units of small-scale and two units of large-scale hatcheries. The measurement and sampling of water quality parameters were carried out in Suppa coastal waters of Makassar Strait, where most of the hatcheries sourced their seawater supply. Water quality during the dry season was sufficient to support the hatchery’s activities. However, water quality during the rainy season decreased in terms of reduced water temperature and salinity, and increased total ammonia nitrogen and nitrate contents. The rearing tanks were of rectangle shape with nearly flat bottom and volume varied from 4 to 21 m3. The small-scale hatcheries produced between 1,600,000 and 2.250,000 of shrimp fries per cycle with a total of 5-12 production cycles/year. The large-scale hatcheries produced 9,500,000 up to 17,500,000 of shrimp fries per cycle with at least five production cycles/year. The total production of shrimp fries from the existing hatcheries in Suppa Subdistrict reached up to 209,500,000 shrimp fries per year. During rainly season, the water quality management of the existing hatcheries in Suppa Subdistrict could be improved by strictly implementing best hatchery management practices and through modification of hatchery’s facilities or setting up additional water quality monitoring instruments.
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