Ikan tambakan merupakan ikan lokal yang potensial menjadi ikan budidaya. Salah satu proses penting dalam budidaya adalah aspek reproduksi. Penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik bioreproduksi tiga generasi ikan tambakan hasil kegiatan domes‘tikasi di Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar dan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Bogor. Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui posisi gonad, fekunditas, derajat pembuahan, dan derajat penetasan ikan tambakan generasi yang berbeda. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan posisi gonad vertikal mengarah ke tulang belakang, di bagian ujung melengkung ke arah depan dan gonad berada di belakang urogenital. Fekunditas telur/gram bobot ikan yang dihasilkan tidak berbeda antar generasi dengan jumlah berkisar antara 76 ± 13 sampai 83 ± 14 butir. Persentase telur terbuahi dan telur menetas antar generasi juga tidak berbeda, masing-masing berkisar antara antara 70,6 ± 16,05 sampai 92,9 ± 10,88%; dan 51,3 ± 16,64 sampai 74,3 ± 10,32%. Jumlah larva yang dihasilkan juga tidak berbeda nyata antar generasi, berurutan dari yang kecil ke besar G-0 (38,7 ± 10,72 butir/g bobot ikan), G-1 (45,3 ± 5,20 butir/g bobot ikan), dan G-2 (55,7 ± 7,75 butir/g bobot ikan). Program domestikasi ikan tambakan tidak mempengaruhi karakter reproduksi ikan antar generasi. Keragaman karakter reproduksi antar generasi masih tinggi. Pembentukan generasi selanjutnya perlu dipertahankan, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai ikan budidaya baru.
Kissing gourami is an Indonesian local fish species that has the potential to be developed as a farmed fish. However, the current domestication stage of the fish still requires further information regarding its bio reproduction. The research on determining the bioreproductive characteristics of three generations of kissing gourami has been carried out at the Research Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extensions, Bogor. This research aimed to determine the gonad position, gonad maturity index, and fecundity between the kissing gourami generations. The results showed that the gonads were positioned vertically towards the backbone, curved ends towards the front and located behind the urogenital. The fecundity of produced eggs/gram body weight of fish did not differ between generations and ranged between 76 ± 13–83 ± 14 eggs. The percentages of fertilized eggs and hatched eggs between generations did not differ and ranged between 70.6 ± 16.05–92.9 ± 10.88% and 51.3 ± 16.64–74.3 ± 10.32%, respectively. The number of produced larvae was also not significantly different between generations where G-0 has the lowest number (38.7 ± 10.72 eggs/g fish weight), followed by G-1 (45.3 ± 5.20 eggs/g fish weight) and G-2 has the highest number of produced larvae (55.7 ± 7.75 eggs/g fish weight). The aquaculture domestication program does not affect the reproductive character of fish between generations. The diversity of reproductive characters between generations is still high. The formation of the next generation needs to be maintained, so that it can be used as a new cultured fish.
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