Ikan mas populasi sintetik dibentuk melalui pencampuran (blending) dari lima strain ikan mas Indonesia, yakni Majalaya, Rajadanu, Sutisna, Wildan, dan Sinyonya. Ikan mas sintetik potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi strain tahan ammonia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa ikan mas populasi sintetik sebagai kandidat pembentuk ikan mas tahan amonia tinggi. Evaluasi toleransi terhadap amonia tinggi dilakukan melalui uji tantang NH4Cl sebanyak 200 ppm pada media pengujian benih ikan mas populasi sintetik dan sebagai kontrol ikan mas populasi sintetik tanpa penambahan NH4Cl. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan akuarium dengan ukuran 60x40x40 cm sebanyak tiga unit untuk pengujian frekuensi ventilasi dan dua unit untuk pengambilan sampel. Perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali dengan ikan uji berjumlah 30 ekor tiap akuarium dan bobot 18.32±3.29 g ekor. Pengukuran ekspresi gen CO1 dilakukan dengan metode qPCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan frekuensi ventilasi ikan mas sintetik tahan amonia tinggi mencapai 34.00±10.54 bukaan menit-1, lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok pingsan dan kontrol. Tingkat ekspresi gen CO1 ikan mas populasi sintetik yang tahan amonia tinggi memiliki level ekspresi lebih tinggi daripada kelompok pingsan dan kontrol. Sementara itu, kualitas air uji tantang masih berada pada level normal untuk pemeliharaan.
A synthetic carp population carp was formed by combining five Indonesian carp strains, namely Majalaya, Rajadanu, Sutisna, Wildan, and Sinyonya. The synthetic carp has the potential to be developed as strains resistant to ammonia. This study aimed to analyze the performance of the synthetic carp population as a candidate to form high ammoniaresistant carp. Evaluation of tolerance to high concentrations of environmental ammonia was carried out by adding 200 ppm NH Cl to the synthetic carp seed’s rearing media. The control treatment was rearing the seed without the addition of NH 4 Cl. The research used three units of aquarium sized 60x40x40 cm to measure the fish’s gills ventilation rate and two units for sampling. The treatments were repeated three times with 30 test fish per aquarium with an average weight of 18.32 ± 3.29 g per fish. The measurement of CO1 gene expression was performed using the qPCR method. The results showed that the ventilation rate of the synthetic carp with high ammonia resistance was 34.00 ± 10.54 per minute aperture, higher than the unconscious and control groups. The level of CO1 gene 4 expression in the synthetic population of high ammonia-resistant carp was higher than in the unconscious and control groups. In addition, the water quality parameters of the treatment rearing media were within the normal values for carp farming.
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