Salah satu program dari Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan periode 2018-2023 adalah mengembalikan kejayaan udang windu di Sulawesi Selatan. Telah dilakukan kegiatan yang bertujuan mengetahui performa budidaya udang windu di tambak pembudidaya yang dilaksanakan pada musim kemarau tahun 2019 di Kecamatan Marusu Kabupaten Maros. Kegiatan budidaya udang windu teknologi tradisional plus dilaksanakan di tambak Dusun Kurilompo, Desa Nisombalia Kecamatan Marusu Kabupaten Maros. Sebanyak enam petak tambak pembudidaya ditebari tokolan udang windu dengan padat penebaran dari 10.000 sampai 30.000 ekor/ha. Setelah dipelihara selama 69 sampai 80 hari dilakukan panen dan selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan sintasan, bobot rata-rata, produksi udang windu, dan rasio konversi pakan (RKP). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air di tambak Kecamatan Marusu, Kabupaten Maros pada musim kemarau dicirikan dengan salinitas yang berkisar antara 36,63-69,40 ppt; suatu kondisi yang tidak optimal untuk budidaya udang windu. Pada saat panen didapatkan sintasan udang windu dari 27,57% sampai 66,67%; bobot rata-rata dari 14,29-40,00 g/ekor; produksi dari 90,1-800,0 kg/ha/musim; dan RKP dari 0,54:1 sampai 2,10:1. Disimpulkan bahwa budidaya udang windu di tambak bersalinitas tinggi di daerah ini merupakan penyebab utama rendahnya sintasan, bobot rata-rata, produksi udang windu, dan RKP. Direkomendasikan bahwa perbaikan budidaya udang dengan menjaga tingkat salinitas dalam nilai optimal harus disosialisasikan kepada pembudidaya udang windu di daerah tersebut.
One of the main aquaculture development targeted by the South Sulawesi Province for the period 2018-2023 is to restore the glory of tiger shrimp farming in South Sulawesi. The recent study was carried out to uncover redevelopment opportunities of tiger shrimp culture and determine the performance of tiger shrimp culture in the farmers’ ponds. The study was performed during the dry season in Marusu Subdistrict Maros District, in 2019. Traditional plus tiger shrimp farming activities were carried out in the ponds of Kurilompo Subvillage, Nisombalia Village, Marusu Subdistrict, Maros District. A total of six brackishwater ponds were stocked with tiger shrimp fingerling with stocking densities of 10,000-30,000 ind./ha. After being cultured for 69 to 80 days, the shrimp were harvested and measured their survival rate, average weight, production of tiger shrimp, and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The data obtained were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results showed that water quality in brackishwater ponds of Marusu Subdstrict Maros District, in the dry season is characterized by salinity ranging from 36.63 to 69.40 ppt, a condition that is not optimal for tiger shrimp culture. At harvest, the survival rate, average weight, production, and FCR of the farmed average tiger shrimp were 27.57%-66.67%, 14.29-40.00 g/ind., 90.1-800.0 kg/ha/season, and 0.54:1-2.10:1, respectively. It is concluded that the culture of tiger shrimp in the brackishwater ponds with high salinity in this area is the primary cause of poor survival rate, average weight, production of tiger shrimp, and FCR. It is recommended that culture shrimp improvement via maintaining salinity level within the optimal values has to be disseminated to the fish farmers in the area.
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