Teknologi budidaya abalon telah tersedia dan dilakukan dengan berbagai metode budidaya pendederan dan pembesaran. Namun, hingga saat ini belum berkembang di masyarakat karena kurangnya minat pengusaha/pembudidaya abalon untuk mengaplikasikan secara komersial. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kualitas dan kuantitas benih belum stabil, pertumbuhan lambat, biaya tinggi, dan memerlukan waktu pemeliharaan lebih lama. Oleh karena itu, perlu diupayakan metode yang lebih sederhana dengan biaya murah untuk pembesaran abalon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pertumbuhan dan produksi abalon dengan padat tebar berbeda pada sistem-sistem tangki air mengalir. Benih abalon dipelihara di bak beton ukuran 12 m x 0,8 m x 0,8 m; kepadatan 70% dan 80% dari luasan dasar bak. Sementara untuk menghitung kelayakan usaha, rumus yang digunakan adalah revenue cost ratio (R/C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan panjang, lebar dan bobot cangkang pada densitas 70% lebih baik dibandingkan dengan densitas 80%. Kepadatan 70% menghasilkan 8,98% peningkatan hasil biomassa dan kematian 6,51% lebih tinggi dari kepadatan 80%. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi, sistem pembibitan ini layak secara ekonomi di mana padat tebar 70% dari total luas dasar memiliki keuntungan finansial terbaik.
Breeding technology for abalone is available, and its farming can be done using different nursery and grow-out methods. However, abalone farming has not yet been commercially practiced due to the lack of interest from fish entrepreneurs/fish farmers. This is due to several factors related to the quality and quantity of seeds, such as inconsistent availability, slow growth, high cost, and long culture was period. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a simpler and inexpensive method to culture abalone. This research aimed to improve the rearing technique for abalone. Two concrete tanks of 12 m x 0.8 m x 0.8 m in size were used in which abalone seeds were stocked with stocking densities of 70% and 80% of the bottom area. The concrete tanks were equipped with a flow-through water circulation system. The business feasibility of the culture system was calculated using the revenue cost ratio (R/C) formula. The results showed that the growth in length, shell width and weight at a density of 70% was better than that of the density of 80%. The density of 70% resulted in an 8.98% increase in biomass yield and a 6.51% mortality higher than a density of 80%. Based on the economic analysis, this nursery system is economically feasible where the stocking density of 70% of the total bottom area has the best financial return.
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