Achmad Zamroni, Nurlaili Nurlaili, Cornelia Mirwantini Witomo


Tantangan pengembangan ekonomi biru di Lombok adalah menurunnya habitat terutama rumput laut, terumbu karang dan bakau, karena tingginya tekanan ekonomi yang menyebabkan orang terlibat dalam eksploitasi sumber daya perikanan. Tujuan riset adalah mereview penerapan konsep “Ekonomi Biru” pada usaha perikanan budidaya di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan melalui penelusuran dokumen, laporan riset dan publikasi ilmiah terkait topik kajian. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut dianalisis secara konten (content analysis) dan direview dari aspek sosial dan ekonomi
yang dijelaskan secara kualitatif. Hasil review menunjukkan bahwa 6 (enam) usaha perikanan dapat memberikan efek berganda yaitu budidaya lobster, budi daya rumput laut, pengolahan kepiting, pengolahan limbah kepala ikan, dan tambak garam mempunyai peluang menciptakan efek berganda, artinya keenam usaha tersebut dapat menciptakan alternatif mata pencaharian yang bisa berdampak
pada peningkatan ekonomi rumah tangga

Title:  Prospects of the Implementation of Blue Economy Concept on An opportunity Fisheries Bussiness in East Lombok District

The challenge of developing a blue economy in Lombok is the decline of habitats, especially seaweed, coral reefs and mangroves, due to the high economic pressure that causes people to be involved in exploitation of fisheries resources. The aim of the research is to review the application of the concept of “Blue Economy” in aquaculture businesses in East Lombok District. Data and information were collected through documents investigation, research reports and scientific publications related to
the topic of the study. These documents were analyzed using content analysis and reviewed from the social and economic aspects qualitatively described. The result shows that the review indicates that 6  (six) fisheries businesses can provide multiple effects namely lobster aquaculture, seaweed farming, crab processing, fish head waste treatment, and salt farming have the opportunity to create multiple effects, meaning that the six businesses can create alternative livelihoods that can has an impact on improving the household economy


blue economy; rumput laut; Lombok Timur

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Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan
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Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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