Determinan Nilai Tukar Nelayan Di Indonesia Dengan Pendekatan Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR)
Salah satu pendekatan dalam mengukur kesejahteraan nelayan adalah nilai tukar nelayan (NTN). NTN publikasi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) hanya mengukur daya beli nelayan sehingga perlu direformulasi dan dikoreksi berdasarkan pertumbuhan produksi dan tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola spasial dan dependensi spasial serta menganalisis determinan NTN level nasional dan level provinsi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah indeks moran, diagram pencar moran, dan Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR). Data yang digunakan merupakan data dari 33 provinsi tahun 2015 hingga 2019. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa NTN provinsi hasil reformulasi memiliki dependesi spasial dengan pola mengelompok. Provinsi yang berada di Kuadran III diagram pencar moran menjadi fokus pemerintah dalam pengambilan kebijakan. GWPR menunjukkan nilai produksi perikanan tangkap. Bantuan pemerintah dan tenaga kerja perikanan tangkap merupakan determinan NTN di semua provinsi. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan pemerintah, baik pusat maupun daerah adalah dengan mendorong program yang dapat meningkatkan produksi, ekspor, dan konsumsi perikanan tangkap. Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Pusat (TPIP) dan Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID) harus memaksimalkan fungsinya terhadap pengendalian inflasi barang konsumsi di perdesaan. Pemerintah tetap mempertahankan kebijakan BBM bersubsidi bagi nelayan kecil, menjaga stabilitas harga ikan pada level nelayan dengan penguatan (Sistem Logistik Ikan Nasional) SLIN, mempercepat implementasi Sistem Resi Gudang (SRG) produk perikanan, dan meningkatkan infrastruktur yang mendukung pembangunan cold storage, terutama ketersediaan listrik. PT Perikanan Indonesia perlu memperluas cakupan wilayah bisnis dan meningkatkan perannya sebagai lembaga pengelola perikanan nasional.
Title: Determinants of Fishers of Trade in Indonesia Using a Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR) Approach
One approach in measuring fishers welfare is fishers of trade (FoT). The FoT published by Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) only measures the purchasing power of fishers. Therefore, it needs to be reformulated and corrected by growth in production and labor. This study aims to analyze spatial patterns and spatial dependencies as well as to analyze the determinants of FoT at the national and provincial levels. The analysis used is moran index, moran scatter plot, and Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (GWPR). Data used is data from 33 provinces from 2015 to 2019. The results of the analysis show that the FoT of the reformulated province has spatial dependencies with a clustered pattern. Provinces that are in Quadrant III of the scatter plots are the focus of the government in making policies. GWPR shows the value of capture fisheries production. Government assistance and labor of capture fisheries are the determinants of FoT in all provinces. Policies that can be carried out by the central and local governments are to encourage programs that can increase production, exports, and consumption of capture fisheries. Central inflation Control Team (CICT) and Local Inflastion Control Team (LICT) must maximize their function in controlling consumer goods inflation in rural areas. The government still maintains the policy of subsidized fuel for small fishers. The government must maintain the stability of fish prices at the fishers level by strengthening National Fish Logistic System (NFLS), accelerating the implementation of Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) fisheries products, improving infrastructure that supports cold storage development, especially the availability of electricity. PT Perikanan Indonesia needs to expand the scope of its business area and increase its role as a logistics agency for fisheries.
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Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network
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