Amir Mahmud, Arif Satria, Rilus A Kinseng


Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas proses teritorialisasi taman nasional dan faktor penyebab
konflik nelayan di Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) terutama kawasan laut. Teritorialisasi berakibat
pada pembatasan akses dan konflik. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan dengan studi kasus
di konflik nelayan. Hasilnya, teritorialisasi perairan laut di TNBB dengan perubahan rezim open access
menjadi state property dan pembagian zona-zona TNBB. Pembentukan Taman Nasional dan zonasinya
merupakan salah satu langkah teritorialisasi negara terhadap kawasan tertentu. Teritorialisasi tersebut
berdampak pada pembatasan akses, dan menimbulkan konflik. Konflik antara nelayan dengan Balai
TNBB disebabkan faktor kepemilikan sumberdaya dan faktor pengelolaan sumberdaya sedangkan
faktor pengelolaan sumberdaya berakibat munculnya konflik nelayan dengan perusahaan pariwisata.

Title: Territorialization and Fisher’s Conflict at The National Parks of West Bali

The research aims to analyze territorialization processes of national park and factors caused of
fishers’ conflict at The National Parks of West Bali (NPBB) especially in the marine area. As consequence
of territorialization is access restriction and conflict. Research method used qualititave approach, and
fishers’ conflict as a case study. The result are marine territorialization processes at NPBB with changing
property right from open access to state property, and dividing area of NPBB into separate parts of
zones. National park and its zoning were established as one of the steps of state territorialization for
some sites. The territorialization drove of access restrictions and raising conflicts. Conflicts between
fishers and NPBB caused by some factors such as resources property right and management, while
resource management factor create fihers conflict with tourist bussiness.


teritorialisasi; konflik; nelayan; Taman Nasional Bali Barat

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jsekp.v11i1.3171

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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