Abdul Rahim


Penelitian yang dilakukan di wilayah pesisir pantai Sulawesi Selatan bertujuan untuk menghitung besarnya perbedaan pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan eksplanatori. Berdasarkan dimensi waktu digunakan data cross-section yang bersumber pada data primer. Responden nelayan diambil secara stratified sampling sedangkan kabupaten secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu motor dan perahu tanpa motor di Kabupaten Jeneponto lebih besar dari nelayan Kabupaten Barru dan Sinjai. Besar-kecilnya pendapatan usaha tangkap nelayan perahu motor per trip di wilayah pesisir pantai Sulawesi Selatan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh harga minyak tanah, produktivitas, umur, dan alat tangkap rawai tetap, sedangkan secara negatif dipengaruhi oleh harga bensin, lama melaut, dan perbedaan wilayah penangkapan. Pendapatan nelayan perahu tanpa motor per trip di Sulawesi Selatan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh produktivitas jaring insang tetap dan perbedaan wilayah. Selama setahun, pendapatan nelayan perahu motor dipengaruhi secara positif oleh harga minyak tanah, dan produktivitas secara nyata positif; sedangkan secara negatif dipengaruhi oleh harga bensin, lama melaut, trip, dan perbedaan wilayah. Pendapatan nelayan perahu tanpa motor secara positif dipengaruhi oleh produktivitas, tanggungan keluarga, jaring insang tetap, dan perbedaan wilayah.


Tittle: Analysis of Fisher’s Fishing Income and its Various Factors Influence in Coastal Area of South Sulawesi.

Research was conducted in coastal area region of South Sulawesi which aimed to calculate the level of difference fisher’s fishing income from each region of coastal area and analysis the various factors influencing it. Research method was used descriptive and explanatory. cross-section data of the primary data. Fisher’s responder were sampled stratifiecally indicate that is fishing income of motorized boat were used and non-motorized boat in regency Jeneponto bigger than is Barru and Sinjai. Then its motorized boat fisher’s fishing income per trip in coastal area of South Sulawesi influenced positively by kerosene price, productivity, age, and set long line, while negatively influenced by gasoline price,
fishing day per trip, and difference of fishing areas. Then fishing income non-motorized boat fisher’s per trip in South Sulawesi influenced positively by productivity, set gill net remain to and regional difference. Other only a annual fishing income motorized boat fisher’s influenced positively by kerosene price, and productivity positive manifestly, while negatively influenced by gasoline price, fishing day per trip, number of trip, and fishing area difference. Then fishing income non-motorized boat fisher’s  influenced positively by productivity, family responsibility, set gill net, and fishing area difference.


pendapatan;nelayan perahu motor dan tanpa motor

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic 
in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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