Abd. Rahim


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil
tangkapan ikan oleh nelayan tradisional berdasarkan perbedaan wilayah penangkapan ikan. Metode
analisis regresi berganda digunakan dalam penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa hasil
tangkapan nelayan perahu motor tempel tertinggi terdapat di Kecamatan Balusu dan terendah di
Kecamtan Soppeng Riaja pada Wilayah Pesisir Pantai Barat Kabupaten Barru. Hasil tangkapan
nelayan perahu tanpa motor tertinggi terdapat di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau dan terendah di Kecamatan
Soppeng Riaja. Variabel lama melaut, kekuatan mesin tempel, dummy perbedaan wilayah Kecamatan
Soppeng Riaja berpengaruh positif serta variabel volume bensin, pendidikan formal, dan tanggungan
keluarga berpengaruh negatif berpengaruh terhadap perubahan (naik/turun) produksi hasil tangkapan
nelayan perahu motor tempel, sedangkan volume minyak tanah, jumlah alat tangkap, umur nelayan,
dummy Kecamatan Tanete Rilau dan Kecamatan Barru tidak berpengaruh nyata.Lain halnya produksi
hasil tangkapan nelayan perahu tanpa motor, ditemukan bahwa jumlah tanggungan keluarga dummy
Kecamatan Tanete Rilau dan Kecamatan Barru berpengaruh positif serta lama melaut dan umur nelayan
berpengaruh negatif terhadap perubahan produksi hasil tangkapan nelayan perahu tanpa motor,
sedangkan yang tidak berpengaruh nyata adalah jumlah alat tangkap, pengalaman melaut, pendidikan
formal, dummy Kecamatan Soppeng Riaja dan Kecamatan Balusu.

Title: Fish Production Comparison of Traditional Fishers in West
Coast of Barru Regency

This study aimed to analyze factors that affect fish caught by traditional fisher based on fishing
region. Multiple regression analysis method was used in this study. Results found that the highest
number of fish production caught by outboard fishers was in the Balusu District and lowest production in
Soppeng Riaja DIstrict on the West Coast of Barru District. Fish production of fishers with boat without
a motor was highest in the Tanete Rilau District and the lowest in the Soppeng Riaja District. Variable of
fishing day and outboard engines power, the difference fishing ground dummy of Soppeng Riaja District
showed positive effect. Variable of gasoline volume, formal education, and number of family negatively
effect to fish production change (up/down) of outboard fishers. While the volume of kerosene, number
of fishing gear, fishers ages, dummy of Tanete Rilau and Barru District showed there were no significant
effect. In contrast to fish production of fishers with boat without a motor, it was found that the number
of family dependents give a positive effect, this condition based on dummy of Tanete and Barru Rilau
District. Fishing day and fishers age negatively affected to change of fish production of fishers with a boat
without a motor, whereas no significant effect was the number of fishing gear, fishing experience, formal
education,it shown on dummy of Soppeng Riaja and Balusu District.


hasil tangkapan dan nelayan tradisional

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jksekp.v3i2.312

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Published by

Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic

in collaboration with
Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economics Research Network

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