Semi-Automatic Classification Model on Benthic Habitat Using Spot-7 Imagery in Penerusan Bay, Bali

Devica Natalia Br Ginting, Anang Dwi Purwanto


Benthic habitats are one of the interesting marine resources and its existence must be preserved. Provision of up-to-date benthic habitat information requires a relatively large amount of time and money. The use of remote sensing technology is one of the best solution. This study aims to develop a semi-automatic processing model that is fast, accurate, and with broad spatial coverage. The satellite image data used is the SPOT-7 image acquired on April 11th, 2018. The method used is a supervised classification with a decision tree algorithm. The analysis was carried out using a script developed in the open-source R application. The results showed that the model used was able to accelerate the processing of benthic habitat extracted from the initial process to the classification. The model developed is able to classify habitat classes based on the training sample data provided so that it does not affect the user’s ability to determine the habitat class. The resulting model accuracy is 93.6%. The validation of the resulting classification showed an overall accuracy of 59% and a kappa accuracy of 0.46. It is necessary to carry out further research by increasing quality and quantity of training samples from each object of benthic habitats and developing scripts in order to produce better mapping accuracy.


benthic habitat; semi-automatic; decision tree; SPOT-7; Penerusan Bay

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