Innovation Caulerpa spp Cultivation in Controlled Tank Supporting the Blue Economy Program

Dasep Hasbullah, Gagan Gamawansah, Endah Soetanti, Rahmat Rahmat, Dzikri Wahyudi, Agus Dwi Saputro, Dadan Kurnia Wibawa


One type of seaweed that has economic potential with very large market opportunities and tends to increase is Caulerpa spp. This type of macroalgae has many benefits and benefits besides being able to be consumed directly, processed as a side dish or snack and as a raw material for medicines, cosmetics and biostimulants so that in its development it has high economic value. Caulerpa cultivation  technology in ponds has been popularized since 2011 by the Takalar Brackish Water Aquaculture Fisheries Center, but there are still many obstacles that affect the success of it. Including the limitations of the pond land environment, climate and water quality, so that aquaculture technology innovation is needed to be found in overcoming these problems. Cultivationin controlled tubs (indoor). The system is controlled for climate and environmental problems that affect production can be overcome and the availability of stock can be controlled. From the study of cultivation in controlled tubs, it resulted in an average daily specific growth of 15.57+1.79% with a multiple of production to the average planting weight of 4.19+0.82. The technical data shows that the cultivation  of Caulerpa spp seaweed in controlled tubs can maintain the sustainability of cultivation and is profitable so that it is developed even more to support the government's program in succeeding the marine and fisheries Blue Economy  concept.


Blue Economy; Caulerpa spp; Controlled Tank; Innovation and Seaweed

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